Thursday, June 23, 2005

Way to go, Supreme Court

The people in the long black robes in Washington, D.C. ruled today that citizen's private homes can be siezed to make way for playgrounds for the elite. No longer will a municipality have to cite urban decay or social concerns such as the need for hospitals, to claim eminent domain. "It'll be good for the economy", they say, reassuringly. Oh, yeah, right. So now entire neighborhoods can be razed to erect casinos, resorts, and golf courses. Then the former homeowners, who never will be paid what their houses are really worth (not even beginning to factor in sentimental value) can end up working as waitresses and busboys for superwealthy vacationers, as their own economy goes down the old flusheroo.

It's the American Dream, all right.

I find it interesting that the four most conservative members of the Court (O'Connor, Scalia, Rehnquist, Thomas) stood up for the middle class and dissented from the majority opinion. Meanwhile, their liberal counterparts aligned with the greedy development corporations. What were they thinking? What were they thinking?