Friday, November 04, 2005

Hack attack

So I innocently pulled out the old ATM card at the hairdresser's recently, swiped it through the machine, and awaited my receipt. It didn't go through. Annoyed, I dug out cash and paid. When the same thing happened at the supermarket, though, I panicked. What the--?

Had to wait till after the weekend to get to the bank and find out that my card had been replaced by the institution itself since the last time I used it. Seems there was an enormous credit card theft at an unnamed large Web site, so the bank cancelled my card--though when were they going to get around to contacting me about it is another matter.

Only big place I normally do business is Amazon. Who knows? The bank won't tell me who it was. Then, going through my bookmarks and checking sites, I noticed that the Walmart music download site is (gag) not secured. Ack! I've bought music there--how could I be so stupid as to not notice that, I who am normally so careful?

Caveat surfer.