Friday, March 31, 2006

Eye spy

Back to my world.

Nothing gets your attention quite like a worried-sounding doctor saying, "Get in here tomorrow." Yikes!

A day of lightning-like flashes along the periphery of my right eye, along with unfamiliar floaters, prompted that reaction from my optometrist. When I gave my recent history--the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad flu that held me prisoner for two weeks last month--he was doubly concerned that violent coughing may have actually caused damage to my retina. His examination did not produce anything to explain those phenomena--which is both good news, because it means no nasty retinal tears were obvious; and not so good, because we still don't know why the flashes and floaters are occurring. I'm at the self-monitoring stage now, wherein I have to keep a log for some days of how the symptoms are progressing/subsiding/persisting.

(And wow! There goes that new amoeba-shaped floater again!)

Someone who finally learned that the many vital uses for eyes does not include two nights a week of American Idol just does not need this.