Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Fighting for his life--and ours

Afghani citizen Abdul Rahman is on trial for his life right now. He is being held in a cell where he is neither allowed any visitors, nor has an attorney to represent his case. Note the prison official saying that they will “cut him into little pieces”. The judge in the so-called trial already has stated that Rahman deserves death--check out the "evidence"--and seems more than happy to oblige.

Is Abdul Rahman a child molester? Did he attack and burn mosques? Did he gun down old ladies in the open air market, or plant bombs at the Kabul airport? Perhaps he passed military secrets to the CIA, or consorted with maniacal activists to bring down the recently-installed government.

None of these. Abdul Rahman's seemingly unforgivable crime is that he has embraced Christianity and rejected Islam. His family has disowned and repudiated him. He is considered a mental and moral degenerate, a dangerous criminal traitor of the worst order--a "microbe", as the prosecutor in the case puts it--something to be exterminated and eradicated from the face of the planet.

One would surmise that President Bush, an avowed Christian, would jump to Abdul Rahman's defense. After all, Americans are paying dearly--both in taxes and irreplaceable lives--for two wars which were supposed to bring about a safer world and democracy in the Middle East. However, the at the White House press conference this morning, not one word was forthcoming from either the president or any member of the media about this disturbing situation.

The silence from the White House and State Department is not only deafening, it is damning. If Abdul Rahman is executed for his faith, we will have helped bring about the beginning of a worldwide bloodbath against Christians and other "infidels". Of course, Christians are being martyred all over the world every day, so what makes this a watershed case? Simply because the United States has invested so much to bring about a "democracy" which would deprive this man and others like him of the most basic of human rights--life and conscience. And guess what? Islamicists aren't even trying to hide their intentions anymore.

Why won't Afghanistan just deport Abdul Rahman? Why must Islam demand his death?

Read through this and then see if you have any questions remaining.

I just called both the White House and the State Department to express my outrage about the Rahman case, and am following up with hard copy letters and email to State and the Embassy of Afghanistan. I urge you to do the same.

White House comment line: 202-456-1111

U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Ambassador Said T. Jawad
Embassy of Afghanistan
2341 Wyoming Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008