Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Crying Fowl-er

We haven't had cable in years. The upcoming digital conversion doesn't affect us whatsoever, as we only turn the thing on for movie nights. I'm a bit behind in TV pop culture, though I do occasionally watch a few favorite shows online. The last few weeks, I've heard murmurs about The Most Hated Man on Television, AKA The World's Worst Father. Although I seriously doubt his candidacy for the latter, the former moniker has some justification. The Web is wild with the story, as even a TV hermit like me has heard about it.

Sadly, some of the people in those exotic environs known the San Francisco Bay Area reside in a self-contained, delusional bubble of egotism. Barely regarding the rest of the USA as being of the same species--let alone their fellow citizens--they become pitiable legends in their own minds. Their unchecked narcissism results in some of the most boorish behavior ever publicly displayed--as in the case of Mr. Fowler.

Thanks to ABC and a program I have never watched, what has been heretofore remained mostly secreted behind a glitzy but tattered curtain of "limousine liberal" hypocrisy has been exposed far more adroitly than any blustering talk radio personality could have imagined. And thanks to the Internet, the story will never die.

What two adults have done to lower themselves as human beings, all the while turning self-congratulatory mental cartwheels for having achieved such "superior" status, is in the end their own choices. They themselves are doomed to live with themselves; no one else has to. However, what they have done and are doing to their children is comparable to a crack addict pimping their offspring for the next fix.

Unless Steven Fowler grows a conscience, quite a few therapists will be kept employed when the his daughter and son come of age.