Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dearest PinkBaby

You know who you are.

I've carried you in my deepest heart since since way before you were born. Riding on a bus full of strangers in Brazil, I cried my soul out to God and begged Him to send you.

Then He did, so miraculously.

All I ever wanted you to know is how much you are beloved, how beyond all worldly price you are, how I still long for and pray for the best for you every day and with every heartbeat of my life here. There was never a time when you weren't our darling.

And that's only a fraction of how much the One Who made you and gave you to us treasures you.

I will never stop loving, never stop hoping, never stop believing. Not today, and not forever.


comment grossir said...

This girl is so so so beautiful !! :)

Unknown said...

Those Small Boys are really beautiful, wish to know their name

Anoush said...

Awwww both are looking good but these boys took the numbers they are showwwwwwwww cute