Friday, December 11, 2009


Welcome to my new world.

December 7, 2009...a day that will live in memory for the Shannons. That's when I went to the ER and ended up with a pacemaker, after coming really, really close to leaving for good.

I really will start blogging again. There's a whole new life to be thankful for, and it does matter.


Laura said...

I'm glad you caught it and have a new bionic component to your heart!

Patty said...

I think I will call you Thumper, my favorite Bambi character. Wrote a blog post in your honor. {{{Hugs}}}

Patty said...

I'm so thankful that you went in when you did, Sharon. Will you share "the rest of the story" with us? What caused you to know you should get to the hospital? How long had you dealt with symptoms? I'd love to hear about it. (If you're willing to share, of course.)